Magnet Sayings

Our magnet sayings make a great quick grab item next to your register. With a low price point and high profit margin, these magnets will make you and your customers happy!!! See our collections below.

Barn House Saying Magnets

36 Barn House Sayings Magnets

Wholesale: $53 (includes shipping & Tax)

Suggested Retail Price: $3.28/magnet. 50%profit.

  • Engraved sayings & shapes into basswood ~3”x2.5”x.1/8” magnets. 
  • Put in a quick grab bin or display magnetically at the register. 
  •  Comes as a set of 36. Order as a mixed set (as shown) or one saying at a time.

Coffee Saying Magnets

36 Coffee Sayings Magnets

Wholesale: $53 (includes shipping & Tax)

Suggested Retail Price: $3.28/magnet. 50%profit.

  • Engraved sayings & shapes into basswood ~3”x2.5”x.1/8” magnets. 
  • Put in a quick grab bin or display magnetically at the register. 
  •  Comes as a set of 36. Order as a mixed set (as shown) or one saying at a time.

Kitchen Saying Magnets

36 Kitchen Sayings Magnets

Wholesale: $53 (includes shipping & Tax)

Suggested Retail Price: $3.28/magnet. 50%profit.

  • Engraved sayings & shapes into basswood ~3”x2.5”x.1/8” magnets. 
  • Put in a quick grab bin or display magnetically at the register. 
  •  Comes as a set of 36. Order as a mixed set (as shown) or one saying at a time.

Boot Hiking Sayings Magnets

36 Boot Hiking Sayings Magnets

Wholesale: $53 (includes shipping & Tax)

Suggested Retail Price: $3.28/magnet. 50%profit.

  • Engraved sayings & shapes into basswood ~3”x2.5”x.1/8” magnets. 
  • Put in a quick grab bin or display magnetically at the register. 
  •  Comes as a set of 36. Order as a mixed set (as shown) or one saying at a time.

Beer Bottle Sayings Magnets

36 Beer Bottle Sayings Magnets

Wholesale: $53 (includes shipping & Tax)

Suggested Retail Price: $3.28/magnet. 50%profit.

  • Engraved sayings & shapes into basswood ~3”x2.5”x.1/8” magnets. 
  • Put in a quick grab bin or display magnetically at the register. 
  •  Comes as a set of 36. Order as a mixed set (as shown) or one saying at a time.